Friday, March 27, 2009

'Hope' and 'Change'

In Ann Coulter's article "Are 'Hope' and 'Change' Still Tax-Deductible?" she makes an interesting point to her conservative, right-wing, audience. The Democrats, the party lower-income families usually associate with, are not so poor as they pretend to be. Though some of them may be poor in comparison to the rest of the political players, but they are still in the top percentage of highest incomes in America. It's ridiculous, then, for them to boast in being poor and even pretend to understand the plight of the poor. Ann considers the percentage of donations to charities between Obama and Bush. It's interesting, though there's not many left who really like Bush, you can deny him the admirable quality of giving to those less fortunate.
Overall, I think she makes a fairly good, and logical, arguement.