Friday, May 8, 2009

Tax-payer money used for a research project in Argentina...

The National Institution of Health is spending more than $400,000 of tax-payer's money for a research project studying the sexual behavior of gay men who get drunk in bars. Since the rates of HIV/AIDS are greater in Washington DC, it would be reasonably to assume they were performing this study in this city, or, at least, one would assume it would be in ANY city in the U.S. However, this study is in Buenos Aires, Argentina. What? The NIH is using our tax dollars for a study based in a foreign country. Is it too unreasonable to ask that the government only use money for projects like this if they are conducted in the U.S.? As well, I don't think I could condone spending government money-tax-payers ultimately paying the price-on such projects even if they were in the U.S. Government must stop wasting our money on useless projects, especially when we are going through an economic crisis. The heavy burden on the tax-payer would be lessened if we forsake such projects and would have an obvious, positive effect on the economy.