Friday, May 8, 2009

Tax-payer money used for a research project in Argentina...

The National Institution of Health is spending more than $400,000 of tax-payer's money for a research project studying the sexual behavior of gay men who get drunk in bars. Since the rates of HIV/AIDS are greater in Washington DC, it would be reasonably to assume they were performing this study in this city, or, at least, one would assume it would be in ANY city in the U.S. However, this study is in Buenos Aires, Argentina. What? The NIH is using our tax dollars for a study based in a foreign country. Is it too unreasonable to ask that the government only use money for projects like this if they are conducted in the U.S.? As well, I don't think I could condone spending government money-tax-payers ultimately paying the price-on such projects even if they were in the U.S. Government must stop wasting our money on useless projects, especially when we are going through an economic crisis. The heavy burden on the tax-payer would be lessened if we forsake such projects and would have an obvious, positive effect on the economy.


  1. How in just a few years can the federal budget go from a surplus, to over six trillion dollars in debt? What has happened in just a few years to cause such a substantial increase in our national debt? I believe the answer is wasteful government spending. In Tax-payer money used for a research project in Argentina... Elizabeth discusses her opinion on the U.S. governments wasteful spending on programs. She provides convincing evidence from The National Institution of Health. They are spending more than $400,000 on a research project studying the sexual behavior of gay men who get drunk in bars in Buenose Aires, Argentina. I agree with Elizabeth that the U.S. Government must stop squandering federal funds on programs that have no useful purpose. Programs using tax dollars need to be evaluated on the merits of the project. In her blog she states, “the U.S. Government must stop wasting our money on useless projects, especially when we are going through an economic crisis.” The U.S. Government must stop wasting our money on useless projects, especially when we are going through an economic crisis. The mindset of these politicians is that there is an endless amount of tax-payer dollars to spend.

    Politicians have been notorious for wasting American tax dollars for many generations, right? Tom Coburn, M.D., a U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, maintains a list of wasteful spending in Washington. The pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars claims to have “identified more than $3,571,642,000 in wasteful Washington spending." Coburn is also known for blocking legislation that wastes federal dollars. For instance, twice he but a hold on legislation for the Clark Mount Hood Wilderness, which would have protected rangelands in 3 states. He strongly disapproved of $10 million for surveying and mapping because it would be wasteful government spending.

  2. Who do we owe, and why do we owe them? Why is the national debt increasing at such an alarming Rate? Some People say that the national debt does not matter. That we are always going to be in debt and that we should not worry about it. I on the other hand think that it is VERY important. We need to at least stop spending as much as we currently are in order to pay some of it off. Why am I required to pay taxes? So the government can go off and spend thousands and thousands of dollars on useless trash that will never benefit any of us? In the commentary “Tax-payer money used for a research project in Argentina...” by Elizabeth in her Remember Freedom blog, she states that the government is allowing 400 hundred Thousands dollars to study the sexual behavior of gay men who get drunk in bars. Are you serious? 400 Thousand dollars for this. First off why do you need 400 Thousand dollars to buy men the alcohol and hotel room? This is just absurd. I do agree with Elizabeth were she say that the research study should have been done in the United States because we all know lifestyles between countries are drastically different. So how do we know that the sexual behavior of a gay man in the United States is the same as the sexual behavior of a man in Buenos Aires, Argentina? We don’t! More importantly WHO CARES!?!? What valid scientific purpose does it serve? Here is my speculation (hopefully not getting to explicit or graphic) Men, regardless of where they live are constantly producing sperm therefore making them more “lustful” than women. You mix alcohol in there and what do you have? A gay man, with more courage due to the alcohol than he would normal have, trying to get laid at a bar. There you go! That speculation won’t cost you as a tax payer a cent. Maybe I should be a congressman my speculation could have just saved America 400 thousand dollars. If they really care to do anything about the HIV/AIDS rate, Come out with a huge scare saying that there is a rare strand of HIV just came out that will kill you within a month of catching it. If you want Americans to do something and do it now scare the mess out of them.

  3. I couldnt agree with you more. I dont know what the government was thinking with when they sign off on a 500,000 dollar check. I don't know why the government would spend money on drunken gay men. What purpose does it serve, every day we go more and more into debt and are hardly trying to get out. President Obama did try and set an example by cutting one half of one percent on government spending in 2009. When are we going to realize we can't spend more than we have? I dont think we will ever truly get out of debt, and that is somthing that our debtors can hold over the United States head and critisize such a 'super power'. The way were headed were going to start using to burn instead of to buy because it will be cheeper than wood.

  4. I could not agree with you more, to spend money on studying gay men in bar is absolutely ridiculous. I mean who cares, all this shows is how stupid our government really is, and especially in times like these where our economy isn't the best in the world. If your gonna due a study like this, why not at least do it in America? All the government is doing is spending more money trying to fly these experts to Argentina, which is just a really random location to me. The real issue is, why am I paying for it? I haven't heard of any rise in AIDS/HIV in these past months, i mean not anymore than usual. I understand that the AIDS/HIV virus is a serious problem, and i hope maybe someday we will find some kind-of cure,but, I just don't understand what's the point of researching drunk gay men in a bar. It's not like they are gonna be able to stop them from having sex with one another, I mean that's their individual freedom, and I'm sure they are aware of the risk they take while having sex with one another, regardless if their drunk

  5. Elizabeth makes a great point. This study that the U.S. Government is funding in Buenos Aires is ridiculous! I can’t believe the government would spend the money of hard-earned tax payers on a study that is so irrelevant to U.S. citizens.
    The fact of the matter is, though, the U.S. government has a track record of wasteful spending, which can be seen in the article, “Top 10 Examples of Government Waste.”
    It is time for the government to stop wasting our money and stop this wasteful spending. We are in times of economic depression. The primary focus of the government should be to fix the trials that we, Americans, are facing in America, and then, maybe they can go and worry about impractical things, like this study to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk. I mean come on; it doesn’t take rocket science to figure that out. They are human, and they are men.
    The government ought to be limited in size and scope, and there needs to be a reduction of taxation and spending, so that it can follow its Constitutional role. The U.S. government needs to be more concerned with what’s going on here, that in foreign countries. Our money needs to be spent wisely.
