Friday, April 24, 2009

Evolution and "Intelligent design"

This is an excellent article-very well written and thought out. I could not agree with you more. Evolution is JUST a theory and yet many teachers and schools promote it as fact. One argument I've heard is that since Creation cannot be tested in a lab, there is no proof of it occurring...but then, there isn't a way to disprove it, either. In addition, evolution also cannot be recreated in a lab. I think it's wrong that schools should teach it as fact. If anything, they should at least admit it is simply a theory; although, I don't think it has much ground at all.
It saddens me to see how easily we have forgotten what America was founded on. The first book ever printed by the government, I believe, was the Bible. And, in schools, they taught the Ten Commandments and the values of the Bible, which of course is the source of "intelligent design". All throughout our nation's history it is evident that our Forefathers believed in God and creationism. Evolution isn't even an American concept.
If we must have evolution taught in schools, than it should be hand in hand with "intelligent design".

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